Tag Archives: ice climbing screws

Gear Review: How To Choose The Best Ice Screws

The Best Ice Screws

Photo By Brent Doscher, BrentDoscher.com

If you are familiar with ice climbing or looking to purchase a rack of ice screws you know that there are options. Like any other piece of gear, it can be confusing, time-consuming and overwhelming to choose the screw for you. Don’t sweat it. NEM Guide, David Lottmann has got you covered over at NEAlpinestart.com.

Ice Screw Options

Black Diamond Turbo Express

Petzl Laser Speed

Petzl Laser Speed Light

So what should you get? This is a personal choice. What do you value most? Lightest weight? Durability? Ease of placement? If you count ounces like I do you might justify the added expense and lower durability of the Petzl Laser Speed Light screws.

Get the full Gear Review here: The Best Ice Screws