Black Diamond Equipment – What began with a backyard anvil and a hammer has now grown into a global company with offices on three continents. Black Diamond is a company that’s not just for rock climbers and skiers, but one that stands for the spirit of the sports we live, their values and goals, past, present and future – began in 1996 with two guys and a stack of avalanche beacons in an apartment in Park City, Utah. Our roots were humble, but our vision was clear: to sell the best outdoor gear there is, and to be the best at doing it. We’ve grown since then, but our vision is still 20/20. – At Steep and Cheap, we sell premium, core outdoor gear and clothing at prices that are downright criminal. Here’s how it works: Steep and Cheap sells one screamin’ deal at a time until it’s gone. The deals are fat, so they sell out fast. You have to act fast or you’ll miss it, but don’t stress – as soon as one deal sells out, we kick off another. It’s back-to-back deals all day long.
– GearTrade had its beginnings when was first registered in September of 1998. Since then, the original idea expanded and evolved into its current form. GearTrade was co-founded in June 1999, in Provo, Utah, by a group of outdoor enthusiasts and entrepreneurs who noticed a need for a convenient marketplace for individuals and companies looking to buy and sell used and retail outdoor gear. – Mountain Gear’s catalog was first published in 1993 and is now considered an encyclopedic reference of climbing, mountaineering and backpacking gear. The website launched 2 years later and supports the retail and catalog foundation with a full assortment of clothing and equipment. – Second Ascent is a one of a kind outdoor retail shop that has been in business since 1996. We specialize in all facets of backcountry activity from climbing, backpacking and hiking to skiing and cycling. Second Ascent features an unprecedented variety of new and used items as well as a highly educated and well traveled staff to assist you in finding the right gear for all of your outdoor adventures. – At , you’ll find all the brands you know and trust, including favorites like The North Face, Columbia Sportswear, Patagonia, Eureka, JanSport, Kelty, Sierra Designs, Mountain Hardwear, Marmot, MSR, Thermarest, Vasque, Ugg, New Balance, Teva, Timex, Smith, Bollé, Outdoor Research, Pearl Izumi, Smartwool – really too many to list. – Our desire is to offer you the best outdoor clothing and gear to enable you to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest. We believe that spending time in the outdoors can offer deep places of reflection, adventure, satisfaction, and discovery in many aspects of our humanity.
– The Moosejaw Living Will is our Product Guarantee. It means if you aren’t thrilled with your purchase, return it at any time as long as it’s in sellable condition and as long as you aren’t dead..thus the Living Will. – Only the most tried-and-true selection of gear, clothing, shoes, sporting goods, and décor find a home at Sierra Trading Post. So when you find it here, you know you are getting a great deal on something pretty terrific.
Icebreaker Merino – Sustainability is at the heart of Icebreaker, and we aim for profitable sustainability — a business model that balances ecology with economy. It’s possible because nature is an astonishing designer. Everything it creates is simple, efficient and beautiful. Distributor of all merino wool clothing.